Library to provide client interface for Strava REST API(v3) in lua language
This project is maintained by akshaynathr
luastrava is a Lua library for Strava API version 3.
luastrava can be installed using luarocks.
luarocks install luastrava
local strava = require('luastrava.client').Client
local client=strava:new()
To retrieve data about athletes and activities from Strava API, you will need authorization to do so.Refer Strava official documentation for the detailed description about OAuth2 protocol used by Strava for authentication.
The luastrava.client.Client class provides luastrava.client.Client:authorization_url() method to generate authorization URL. This link opens the login page of strava which can be used by the user to grant permissions and access to the user’s account data.
local strava=require('luastrava.client').Client
local client=strava:new()
local url=client:authorization_url{client_id=CLIENT_ID,redirect_uri='http://localhost/auth',scope='write'}
For development , localhost or can be used as redirect host.
local url=client:authorization_url{client_id=CLIENT_ID,
Example from lapis based web app is given below
app:get("/", function(self)
--create authorization url
local url=client:authorization_url{client_id=client_id,
redirect_uri='http:// localhost:8080/auth',scope='write'}
--redirect to the url
return {redirect_to=url}
The link can be used to gain permission rights from the user.In the URL handler /authorization specified as redirect_uri, a temporary code is sent back from strava server. This temporary code needs to be exchanged for user’s token from Strava
local code=self.params.code --Fetch the code sent via url parameter
client:exchange_code_for_token(client_id,client_secret,code) --fetch token
self.session.token=client:get_access_token() -- token is saved in session
return "Authorized token=".. client:get_access_token() --Display the token as a proof for authorization.
The resulting access_token must be saved for later use. In the above web app the token is saved in session.The token is valid till the access is revoked by user.
Using the token the data from Strava API can be retrieved.
local strava=require('luastrava.client').Client
local client=strava:new()
local athlete=client:get_athlete()
luastrava.client.Client:set_access_token function is used to set the stored token to client object
luastrava.client.Client:get_access_token retreives the token set for a client.Returns error if token is not set
local token= client:get_access_token()
Every user in strava is called as athlete. The following functions helps to retrieve athlete data from Strava.Strava API documentation can be found [here] (
Details about current user can be retrieved using luastrava.client.Client:get_athlete() function.No parameters is required.
local athlete=client:get_athlete()
function returns a table containing all fields in the json response.
The same function luastrava.client.Client:get_athlete() can be used to retrieve details of another athlete by passing athlete id as parameter.
local athlete=client:get_athlete(831114)
The function luastrava.client.Client:get_athlete_friends() can be used to retrieve the friends of current user or a specific user. To retrieve friends of a specific user call the function with athlete id.
local friends=client:get_athlete_friends()
local deepaks_friend=client:get_athlete_friends{athlete_id=834123}
function returns table consisting of all fields in json response.Please refer Strava API documentation for more details.
The function luastrava.client.Client:get_athlete_followers retrieves the followers of the user. It works similar to get_athlete_friends function.
local followers=client:get_athlete_followers()
local deepaks_followers=client:get_athlete_followers{athlete_id=834123}
Retrieve the athletes who both the authenticated user and the indicated athlete are following.The function luastrava.client.Client:get_both_following is used for this.
local both_following=client:get_both_following{athlete_id=987653}
function returns a lua table containing all fields of json response from Strava.
This requires write permission, requested during authorization process.To update details of current user, luastrava.client.Client:update_athlete function is used.Functions takes the table as arguments with following parameters.
local update_res=client:update_athlete{city='Kannur',
Activities are the base object for Strava runs, rides, swims etc.
Returns a detailed representation if the activity is owned by the requesting athlete. Returns a summary representation for all other requests.Function luastrava.client.Client:get_activity is used to retrieve the activity data.** activity_id ** is required as parameter. Parameter are passed as table containing following fields.
local result=client:get_activity{athlete_id=860001}
luastrava.client.Client:create_activity helps to create manually entered activity.This requires write permission, requested during authorization process.Parameters are passed as lua table with following fields.
local result=client:create_activity{name='test',activity_type='snowboard', start_date_local='2015-07-06T12:08:27',elapsed_time=1000}
luastrava.client.Client:update_activity updates the activity.This requires write permissions,as requested during the authorization process. Takes lua table as parameter with following fields.
luastrava.client.Client:delete_activity deletes the activity.activity id needs to be passed as parameter to the function
luastrava.client.Client:get_activity_comments function fetches comments related to an activity.Parameters are passed as lua tables.
luastrava.client.Client:get_activity_kudos function gets kudos for an activity.Parameters are passed as lua tables.
Clubs represent groups of athletes on Strava. They can be public or private
luastrava.client.Client:get_club function is used to retrive details about a club.club_id is to be passed as parameter in lua table.
local club_details=client:get_club{club_id=121211}
luastrava.client.Client:get_athlete_club fetches an array of clubs that the currently authenticated athlete is a member of.Returns a club summary representation.
local athlete_club=client:get_athlete_club()
luastrava.client.Client:join_club is used to join a club.club_id is to be passed as parameter.
client:join_club{ club_id=123232}
luastrava.client.Client:leave_club function is used to leave a club.
client:leave_club{ club_id=123232}
luastrava.client.Client:get_club_activities retrieve the recent activities performed by members of a specific club. The authenticated athlete must be a member of the club.
local club_activities=client:get_club_activities{club_id=121211}
Gear represents equipment used during an activity. The object is returned in summary or detailed representations.
luastrava.client.Client:get_gear retrieve details about a specific item of gear. The requesting athlete must own the gear. At this time it is not possible to view just anyone’s gear type and usage
local gear=client:get_gear{gear_id=121211}
Routes are manually-created paths made up of sections called legs.
Lists a specific athlete’s routes. Private routes will only be included if the authenticating user is viewing their own routes and the token has view_private permissions.
This request is used to retrieve details about a route. Private routes can only be accessed if owned by the authenticating user and the token has view_private permissions.
local route=client:get_route({route_id=122312})
Segments are specific sections of road. Athletes’ times are compared on these segments and leaderboards are created.[More details] (
Retrieve details about a specific segment. parameter - segment_id return table of json response
local segment=client:get_segment({segment_id=12121})
Returns a summary representation of the segments starred by the authenticated user
returns table of json response
local starred_segment=client:get_starred_segment()